BBC Introducing in Oxford

BBC Introducing in Oxford 28/03/2015 show details – Proxy Server interview and more

Stick this in your pipe and smoke it. It’s the new edition of BBC Introducing in Oxford. Glorious.

Here’s some information on the show. It went out live at 8.00 pm on 28 March, and you can listen to it for the next month at the BBC website. Here’s the show’s page on the BBC website.


  • Space Heroes Of The People: ‘Loudspeaker No 7′
  • The Trophy Cabinet: ‘Flat 3 Fantasy’
  • The Balkan Wanderers: ‘Sleep Around’
  • Esther Joy Lane: ‘Welcome Back’
  • Robyn Sherwell: ‘Islander’
  • Proxy Server interview
  • Proxy Server: ‘New Geometry For Harder Times’
  • Moogieman: ‘Ice Cream Van’
  • Lone Tree Quartet: ‘Have Mercy’
  • RayZo interview
  • RayZo: ‘Sedative Fields’
  • Lynne Butler: ‘Secret Love’