BBC Introducing in Oxford

BBC Introducing in Oxford 07/02/2015 show details – Disco’s Over interview and more

What’s one of the best bits of the musical weekend? Why, the new BBC Introducing in Oxford show, of course. So why not extend the good times by listening again? And again? And maybe once again?

Here’s some information on the show. It went out live at 8.00 pm on 7 February, and you can listen to it for the next month at the BBC website. Here’s the show’s page on the BBC website.


  • Asher Dust: ‘Asher Dust’
  • Toliesel: ‘Bones’
  • Be Good: ‘Gold Bruise’
  • Brickwork Lizards: ‘County Jail’
  • The Neon Violets: ‘Break The Line’
  • Òkina: ‘Home’
  • Disco’s Over interview
  • Disco’s Over: ‘A Time Once Never’
  • Auralcandy interview
  • Auralcandy: ‘I’m A Piece Of Paper’
  • Salvation Bill: ‘Ice To Have Known You’
  • Red Crow: ‘City Riser’