Flooded Hallways - Impervious To Hell's Fires artwork

Flooded Hallways: Impervious To Hell’s Fires

This is the new album from Oxford’s Flooded Hallways, released on Illgotit Records a couple of days ago, free to stream or buyable as a pay-what-you-like download.

Impervious To Hell’s Fires is the first Flooded Hallways to include guest artists, and as they describe, their featured artists “are friends we’ve met though hip hop and who we believe to be the best Oxford artists”. So, across the album’s fourteen tracks, there are guest spots from Evo Lucian, Elliot Fresh, Pinny Piff, Asher Dust, Rawz, Tang The Pilgrim, Terao and Luca Styles. Share the love!

As with previous Flooded Hallways releases, it’s a fierce, intricately-structured set of tunes, with Bomb Squad-style repeated samples forming the backbone to some pretty strident hip-hop. That those samples take in vocals, electronics and acoustic instruments can only enrich the overall experience, and the expertly-placed lyrics sound natural and confident.

Listen here: